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Evoke Anthrecite

20mm Porcelain Pavers
Outdoor Tiles Thickness : 20mm PCS/BOX : 1 Coverage Area : 0.72
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Set the tone for your space from the very first step. We invites you in with warmth, comfort - and color that speaks to you.

Size Weight/Box (kg) PIC/Box Weight/Plt (kg) Boxes/Plt Plt/Ctn Boxes/Ctn MT/Box MT/Plt MT/Ctn Wight/Ctn
600x1200mm (20mm) 32.5 1 30 30 28 840 0.72 21.6 604.8 28000
600x900mm (20mm) 24.5 1 30 40 28 1120 0.54 21.6 604.8 28280
600x600mm (20mm) 32.75 2 30 32 26 832 0.72 23.04 599.04 28028
400x800mm (20mm) - - - - - - - - - -

Packing Details (PATIOPACK)

Size PCS/Crate M2/PCS SQFT/PCS M2/Crate SQFT/Crate In KGS/Crate Crate/Ctn Crate/Ctn In KGS/Plt In KGS/Ctn
600x900mm (20mm) 13 0.54 5.81 7.02 75.56 530.40 532.71 36 730 26280
600x600mm (20mm) 13 0.36 3.88 4.68 50.38 235.76 532.71 36 730 26280
296x600mm (20mm) 13 0.18 1.94 2.31 25.18 58.14 532.71 36 730 26280
296x296mm (20mm) 9 0.09 0.79 0.79 7.10 5.0 532.71 36 730 26280
  48     14.80 158.21 829.89 532.71 36 730.00 26280.00
Technical Description ISO-13006/EN176
Group BIA
Mean Value of Our Test Method
Length & width ±0.6% ±0.3mm Passed
Thickness 14mm ±5% ±0.3mm Passed
Straightness of side ±0.5% ±0.3% Passed
Rectangularity ±0.6% ±0.3% Passed
Surface flatness ±0.5% ±0.35mm to ±0.1mm Passed
Surface quality Minimum 95% Minimum 95% Passed
Water absorption < 0.5% < 0.04% Passed
Breaking strength > 1300N > 1500N Passed
Flexural strength (Average) > 35N/mm² > 40N/mm² Passed
Scratch hardness of surface (Moh's scale) > 6 > 6 Passed
Resistance to deep abrasion < 175mm³ < 144mm³ Passed
Skid Resistance (Friction coefficient) > 0.4 > 0.4 Passed
Bulk Density in g/cc > 2 > 2 Passed
Linear Thermal expansion Max. 9.0 * 10-6, Max Max. 9.0 * 10-6, Max Passed
Thermal shock resistance No damage No damage Passed
Frost resistance Frost proof Frost proof Passed
Resistance to Chemical Resistance Resistance Passed
Resistance to Stain Resistant Resistant Passed
Moisture expansion Nil Nil Passed
Colour resistance Resistant Resistant Passed
Glossiness (Polished) - - Passed
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